W i n e t a s t i n g
Do you want to discover the Strekov terroir? Are you planning to organize a guided tasting for your friends, a family event or a corporate event ? We will be glad to welcome you to our winery and prepare you the unforgettable experiences for all the senses.
Our tasting room has a capacity of 50 people, but we are also happy to welcome you with a minimum number, according to our agreement.
Each tasting is specific and therefore we will be happy to prepare a customized price offer.
G u i d e d w i n e t a s t i n g
Experience the unrepeatable moments in the unique premises of our winery. Choose from our wine tasting menu and we will prepare an experience for all your senses.
According to your request, we can prepare a tasting in a family atmosphere, combined with a tour of the winery and our vineyards.
We will be glad to prepare you our homemade and regional delicacies to eat with our wines, and we can also provide a warm cuisine according to your request.
1 . M e d i u m t a s t i n g w i n e
- Tour of the winery and the vineyard, if possible
- Presentation and tasting of 8 types of selected bottled wines
- A collection of cold cuisine dishes from local ingredients
Tasting price according to group size:
30-50€ per person with a minimum of 8 people
Duration: 180 minutes
2 . G r e a t t a s t i n g w i n e
- Tour of the winery and the vineyard, if possible
- Presentation and tasting of 13 types of selected bottled wines
- A collection of cold cuisine dishes from local ingredients
Tasting price according to group size:
40-60€ per person with a minimum of 8 people
Duration: 240 minutes
F a m i l y e v e n t s
We would be glad to prepare a unique and unforgettable experience for you and your family during your family events.
For your celebration we will provide you with a unique atmosphere, regional cuisine combined with our wines.
Minimum number of persons – 20.
C o r p o r a t e e v e n t s i n w i n e r y
Would you like to engage your work duties and free time activities? We will prepare a corporate event, training or presentation for you, your colleagues or partners according to your request.
In addition to the unique environment and prepared gastronomic experiences, video and audio equipment are also available for your ideal presentation.
Minimum number of persons – 20